Friday, March 23, 2007

lovin' melbourne

Hey gang,

How goes it? I hope everyone had a good easter and got lots of chocies from the easter bunny. I went home for easter and took my brother and sister to the pub where they had a band in the back of a truck in the carpark. I got them pretty drunk which was funny. I got me pretty drunk too and I thought I was funny. But that's nothing new.

I am getting myself settled in melb now. I have started my new job which is great. Everyone there is really nice and I have been 'doing lunch' with a friends who also work around the city.

I've also started playing gaelic footy again. It's hard work though; the hard work being getting out to the games as they are on sunday mornings and in the arse end of nowhere. Last week we got flogged by the team on the bottom of the ladder and I copped an elbow in the face which gave me a black eye, but it's good fun all the same.

The only thing I need now is to work on the 'place to live' thing. I am still staying at my auntie's, she's on holidays (Africa and Barcelona, i am very jealous despite the fact I just finished 4 months of holidays), but i should find something soon. Some crappy little place close to the city so i don't have to comute too far.

But Melbourne is such a cool city. And it's comedy festival time at the moment. Last week we went and saw Wil Anderson, fuck he's funny. I also want to go see a couple other comedy dudes and I have tickets to see Nine Inch Nails in May which I am excited about.

Anyway, that's me for now. Keep in touch people!!

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