Friday, March 23, 2007

i'm a doodle

i forgot to tell you about what i did on my way to footy training last week. it was funny, i am a doodle head.

i got off the tram and so did Michelle, this other girl who plays. As we were walking past Burnley Campus I said 'oh, someone told me it's a short cut, we can just cut through the campus and come out the other side where the oval is.' so michelle was like 'ok'.

god damn longest short cut EVER! we walked through the campus and came out the other side in this big paddock with greenhouses and little gardens everywhere and 8ft high fences! we walked to the end where we could see the training oval on the other side of the road, but the gate was locked. so we walked back up the way we had came in, but that gate was locked too!! someone had locked us in!! and by this stage it was dark so where wandering around in the dark going 'shit we've been locked in!'

so i said 'let's jump the fence', but michelle wasn't too keen on that idea, but seeming we were locked in we didn't have much choice. so i climbed up and over, then michelle climbed up and started having difficulties with the over bit. and me being the nice, helpful person I am was nearly wetting myself laughing while she was stuck on the top of the fence and cars are going past and other people are turning up to training thinking 'what the fuck are they doing climbing the fence?' she finally got over and it was all a good laugh, but i am not listening to other peoples 'short cuts' again!!!!

lovin' melbourne

Hey gang,

How goes it? I hope everyone had a good easter and got lots of chocies from the easter bunny. I went home for easter and took my brother and sister to the pub where they had a band in the back of a truck in the carpark. I got them pretty drunk which was funny. I got me pretty drunk too and I thought I was funny. But that's nothing new.

I am getting myself settled in melb now. I have started my new job which is great. Everyone there is really nice and I have been 'doing lunch' with a friends who also work around the city.

I've also started playing gaelic footy again. It's hard work though; the hard work being getting out to the games as they are on sunday mornings and in the arse end of nowhere. Last week we got flogged by the team on the bottom of the ladder and I copped an elbow in the face which gave me a black eye, but it's good fun all the same.

The only thing I need now is to work on the 'place to live' thing. I am still staying at my auntie's, she's on holidays (Africa and Barcelona, i am very jealous despite the fact I just finished 4 months of holidays), but i should find something soon. Some crappy little place close to the city so i don't have to comute too far.

But Melbourne is such a cool city. And it's comedy festival time at the moment. Last week we went and saw Wil Anderson, fuck he's funny. I also want to go see a couple other comedy dudes and I have tickets to see Nine Inch Nails in May which I am excited about.

Anyway, that's me for now. Keep in touch people!!

Work Work Work

Once again I have been slack on the blogging, but I haven't been up to alot. Catching up with everyone, looking for work & spending way too much time in dirty ole geebong.

The work thing has happened pretty quickly. A couple of weeks ago I thought I should start looking because I'm not sure how long it will take to find work. So I had a bit of a look on seek and started sending applications and I was only half way through when I started getting calls from recruitment dudes and later that week I had a couple of interviews and the next week I got offered a couple of jobs and so I start on Monday. So it's all happened pretty damn quick. I'm excited though, I think the company I'm going to work with will be good if the interviews are anything to go by.

So I will be starting gaelic footy this week which will be good. A bit of exercise wouldn't go astray.

Ah crap, nothing of interest to write so will get back to you later.

Monday, March 12, 2007

There's no place like home

Hey guys,

It's been a while since I last blogged so I think I'll just give you a quick run-through of what I got up to in Africa. It was awesome, by the end I was very sad because most of the group were going on to Capetown while I was going home. I was like 'I wanna go to cape town too!'. But as Blue told me on the last day of the tour, after Andrew's parting words to me were 'Kelly, I'm sorry we never got to have sex', 'Kelly you can't always get what you want.' So I headed back to Melbourne.

But fuck that was a mission and a half. I got delayed in Nairobi over 5 hours and then over 2 hours in Dubai and if you included stopovers it ended up taking me almost 3 days to get home! But I am now back in Melbourne catching up with everyone and starting to apply for a few jobs. So it's been good. Melbourne really is a beautiful city and I think I'm gonna like living here. (Until winter - then it may be a different story)

But back to Africa. The tour was great. The group were all pretty good people. Lots of aussies, kiwi's, irish and english. We went white-water rafting which was awesome and to the serengeti national park and ngorongoro crater. It was so cool, we saw lions and elephants rooting - well not lions rooting elephants, the lion was rooting another lion and the elephant was trying to root every other elephant it could get too. but that was pretty funny. and in the bush camps we seemed to get a different animal in the camps each time.

first it was a fat old pumba roaming around like he owned the place. then the next camp had baboons who came up and stole our carrots. with their beady ugly little eyes, i'm pretty sure they are all evil. and then one night i woke up and there was something grazing right by our tent. i was so sure it was an elephant and all excited i snuck out to have a look. but he heard me and shit himself, and i shit myself and all i could see was this massive shadow jump and nearly land on one of the tents and i was like 'oh crap he's gonna trample someones tent' so i quickly hid back in my tent and woke sara up to tell her there was a crazy elephant right outside the tent. it turns out it was a water buffalo, but still those things are bloody huge and i wouldn't be happy if one landed on my tent.

we did other good stuff like the elephant orphanage where we got to see baby elephants and the giraffe sanctuary and the trekking with the mountain gorilla was fantastic. oh and the diving in zanzibar and the seafood markets in stone town and the meat on a stick was pretty damn good as well.

anyway, writers cramp is setting in. keep in touch kids and for those of you around melbourne i'm sure we'll catch up soon and i'll get to tell you all my holiday stories.