Friday, March 23, 2007

i'm a doodle

i forgot to tell you about what i did on my way to footy training last week. it was funny, i am a doodle head.

i got off the tram and so did Michelle, this other girl who plays. As we were walking past Burnley Campus I said 'oh, someone told me it's a short cut, we can just cut through the campus and come out the other side where the oval is.' so michelle was like 'ok'.

god damn longest short cut EVER! we walked through the campus and came out the other side in this big paddock with greenhouses and little gardens everywhere and 8ft high fences! we walked to the end where we could see the training oval on the other side of the road, but the gate was locked. so we walked back up the way we had came in, but that gate was locked too!! someone had locked us in!! and by this stage it was dark so where wandering around in the dark going 'shit we've been locked in!'

so i said 'let's jump the fence', but michelle wasn't too keen on that idea, but seeming we were locked in we didn't have much choice. so i climbed up and over, then michelle climbed up and started having difficulties with the over bit. and me being the nice, helpful person I am was nearly wetting myself laughing while she was stuck on the top of the fence and cars are going past and other people are turning up to training thinking 'what the fuck are they doing climbing the fence?' she finally got over and it was all a good laugh, but i am not listening to other peoples 'short cuts' again!!!!

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