Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Patience is a virtue

Patience may be a virtue, but sadly it is not one that belongs to me.  See look at my countdown for my next trip, I've only started the counting a little early and I only have it appearing every time I open my browser.

'Jeepers', I hear you say, 'Where is she off to now?'  Well, thanks for asking.  This time I am off to Europe for a couple of months. I will be heading to Iceland to see the Northern Lights, will pop over to Ireland and hopefully catch up with a few of my Gaelic buddies for a drink or two.  Then I'll head over to mainland Europe and see where my wanderlust takes me.  After all this, due to some horrid people at work who leave brochures on my desk and email me pictures of baby elephants playing on beaches and wicked national parks, I'll be stopping off in Sri Lanka for 4 weeks on the way home to get in a spot of diving, work on my freckles tan and see those damn baby elephants!

Comments or suggestions on where to go in Europe or Sri Lanka are most welcome :)

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