This week I left Cusco for the sunny shores of Lake Titicaca. I travelled down to Puno with Pete, a fellow Aussie. Puno was a pretty average town and the only thing worth doing was going out to the floating reed islands. While there I did the best straw angel ever and ate soup with a fish head in it. There was a guide who did a little talk about the island which included putting a stick in a hole in the island to show us how deep it was before you reached the water. The best part of the whole thing was 5 min later when some kid ran through the middle, stepped into the hole and his entire leg disappeared. He shit himself and started crying, everyone was sniggering and trying not to giggle too loud, gee it was funny though.
I'm doing a straw angel. |
Crazy reed boat |
Reed island |
Pete with his arm in the hole the kid fell in |
From Puno we bussed it down to Copacabana. On the bus we met Sol & Nic, a German & Croatian who together spoke half a dozen languages and we didn't feel inferior at all only being able to speak Australian and a spattering of Spanglish. So the four of us got a cabin with a kitchen, visited the markets, purchased a bottle of red and had a nice home cooked meal.
Travelling is great because you get to experience so many new and amazing things, but it also really makes you appreciate the little things like hot showers, proper cheese and a home cooked meal.
Copacabana is a little tourist town, a bit more likeable than Puno. The days here are fine and sunny and perfect weather for taking out a Donald Duck paddle boat and trying to play dodgems with unsuspecting Bolivians.
Also on this side of Lake Titicaca is the Isle de Sol. So we caught a slow boat out there and walked the track from North to South. It's not the prettiest island in the world, but the walk was good and all the gum trees and dry landscape made me feel a little like I was taking a walk out the back of Briag. That is until you hit the top of a hill and get the view out over the lake which is pretty spectacular.
Heading out to Isle de Sol |
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