Monday, June 27, 2011

Condors in flight.

Our latest stops on the tour have been Chivay & Racqui.  Chivay is near Colca Canyon, it's a small town with some local markets and hot springs as well as the amazing Condors flying about the canyon.

We got up early and spent an hour bumping around on the truck to get to the lookout where the Condors usually are.  We saw a heap of them flying around and landing quite close to us which was pretty cool.  The canyon is a sight in itself; huge towering mountains and terraced valleys as far as the eye can see.  After the canyon we went to some nearby hot springs.  These were much nicer than in Banos; hot hot water and few people; but still in a big complex of pools.

Condors at Colca Canyon

After Chivay we had a leisurely 12hr bus trip to Racqui where we went off in little groups to stay with the locals.  We were taken in, fed & clothed and shown a traditional ceremony giving thanks to Pachamama who is like the earth goddess.  It was great fun.  We got to wear big frumpy skirts, bright jackets, this crazy hat that didn't want to stay on my head and a blanket on my back to put my baby in.  We then danced with the locals in a big circle.  There were some real cute kids running about and Anne, one of my roomies on the tour, had this mad dancer swinging her about so much her snazzy new outfit was nearly falling off. 

Dressed to impress in the local Peruvian outfits.

Now we are in Cusco and preparing ourselves for the big trek up to Macchu Picchu.  We did some training to get used to the altitude which involved ripping it up on the dance floor in a Cusco club called Mama Africa til 6 in the morning, followed by a day of tramping about the town looking for hiking poles and new socks, then carbo loading in the evening at a local restaurant.  We are well prepared - bring it on!


Anonymous said...

Haha! You look like Jesse from Toy Story!

krichelle said...

If you look at this photo from afar, it looks like you're sitting with Motty and M'Julie. You still look gay

kelly b said...

Ha ha, they do look like Andrew & Jules - they don't in real life though. Is that a photo of my passt haunting me?