Friday, March 21, 2008

Fat nosed monkeys and tiger leeches

Hey guys,

Today Lisa and I arrived in Semporna which is in southern Sabah on the coast. It is where everyone comes to go diving. So, although we couldn't get out to Sipodan Island because it was fully booked, we are going out to Mataking Island to do a couple of dives which should be fun.

We spent the last couple of days out in a little resort thing on the Kinabatangan River where we did some cruises and some little walks. The walks were good fun. All muddy and lots of leeches. The funniest bit was when our guide first came out dressed for the night walk in blue overalls and gumboots; he looked like dad ready to go milk the cows!

On our last day as Kinabatangan we saw a heap of probiscus monkey. They are the massive blue and orange monkeys with these big fat noses. And they live so damn high up in the trees it is hard to see them. We also saw an orang-utan which was pretty cool. It's pretty rare to see them in the wild, but we saw one that was quite young sitting in a fig tree by the river, it was so so cool. I have taken about a billion photos, I just hope some of them turn out ok.

Still no Slow Loris or Pygmy Elephant, but I'll keep my eyes peeled.

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