I've moved on again and am now in Budapest, which is a very cool city. Belgrade was alright, but there was no-one around really and not a hell lot to do. Budapest is great though. Last night I went out with some people who were on my tour. We started the night with vokda shots and it all went on from there. I had a slight case of alcohol-induced kleptomania and came home with a ceramic ashtray, a jar of ketchup, a cd from a budapest dj who we hitched a ride with and some guys phone number on my arm. I also had 10 grand less in my wallet. Luckily, the exchange rate is 140 to 1 so it's actually only 70-80 dollars. But it sounds pretty cool to say, 'whoa, i blew 10 grand last night!' anyway, Budapest has been great, i did a walking tour, went to the house of terror museum, went to the christmas markets and have been to the thermal baths twice, but the best was the caving. we got to wear these sexy overalls and get all covered in clay and dust, sliding on our arses down the wet rocks and only your headlamp to guide you. and some of the places were so small you had to crawl through on your belly. one bit was called 'the sandwich of death'. and you had so slide on your belly for 10 metres between these big slabs of rock that were so close together that i had to take my helmet off because it would fit through when i was wearing it. and the tour group were great, there was about a dozen of us and everyone was always keen to take the hard road when the tour guide gave us a choice.

There is a quote on the flyer that says 'I have just been reborn 5 times'. I sure know what Steve from Ontario, Canada was talking about, we had to squeeze through some pretty tight holes.
Anyway after the tour, we got changed and went to bar next door where one of the guys bought a big bottle of vokda for us to celebrate the fact we made it out alive. I suddenly realised i'd left my rechargeable batteries in my overalls, so went back to get them. I knocked on the door and wandered in and was all 'hey anyone about?' looking for the tour guide and then i opened this door and he was there NAKED, because he was about to hop in the shower when i walked in. I was all 'ohmy god' and back-pedalling as fast as i could, and he like followed me out and was just holding some clothes over his rude bits and was 'can i help you?'. so i said i forgot my batteries, but i'll come back. but he went back in and threw some pants on and then we started to go through all the overalls looking for mine, luckily they were the second pair we found as i couldn't wait to get out of there, i was so embarrassed. but i went back to the bar and told a couple of the others what happened and they all thought it was very amusing.
but anyway, tonight and tomorrow i am still in budapest and then i am off to prague. yay.
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